Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

My Heart (#1)

hoy hoy jangan bobo dulu , gw tiba-tiba lagi nge-mood buat bikin puisi galau nih ( -.- bukan gw yang galau oke !) atau gak gw mau bikin quote tentang (apa ajalah )

judulnya my heart karena ... ini didedikasikan untuk orang yang udah punya hati aja ! 

Udah ah langsung aja !

tet tet tet (suara terompet)

(how to make it exist)
"You love her so well, she turns you, you cried, hope she will comeback, but god never make it, you started to hated everyone, you hope you can hurting as you like, but my friend, dont hurting her, she is the one that make your heart beat up"
Hurting is exist in dictionary
Heart-ing not
But i know how make it exist, you want to know ? ....
Together with me :) 

(Move on)
"you are alone, you just too borring for your life, someone come and make you happy, but the happy didn't last long, She doesn't care again. But you are still smile ... How can ?" 
You know why its calles move on ? :)
its simple .... Cause if its called move down 
you are just a pathetic ...  REALLY !

arghhh pusing mau nulis apa lagi udah ah ! 

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